Sunday, July 12, 2009

What if i get a C grade in my graduate course...will it affect my future when applying to jobs or internships?

I am going to get a low gpa this semester will this affect my chances of internships

What if i get a C grade in my graduate course...will it affect my future when applying to jobs or internships?
it will be your overall gpa.. not one class. don't worry about it. If it really bugs you - retake the class for a better grade.
Reply:Yes, anything can have an affect on future employment, etc.

However, if it's a single grade, that should not be a problem if all the others are good. Your GPA will be lowered a little but not that much considering the number of courses you have taken.

I was a B student in college, and could never do well on one course (psych), go figure. But I wasn't a psych major and it was taken into account in the interview process. The big thing is to be able to explain why you didn't do well (and I didn't like the teacher is not a good answer, nor is I was drinking too much).

Other than that it's ok to have one clunker.
Reply:Your school may well count a C against you; however, I know of a very talented gal who received a C from a very difficult professor, yet retained a Fulbright to study abroad. In the same field, by the way, in which he assigned her that grade.

In short, grades aren't everything; folks out on the market know that circumstances aren't always fair, and if you have moxie and smarts, you'll still do fine.
Reply:Unfortunately yes. My school puts you on probation and does not even count the class for credit if you get a C. Jobs and internships are very very competitive and people will have all A's and beat you out simply on that. If you get your act together you may have hope of still finding a job, but probably not get initially hired for many jobs. You may have to get years of work experience at other jobs before being hired to the better jobs you were overlooked for in the first place.

Sorry to be the barer or bad news :(
Reply:No if you are very good in other areas in your life :-p
Reply:I think a lot of these answers are thinking of your C in terms of undergrad grading, and a C in undergrad isn't the end of the world. However, anything below a B- in most grad schools isn't credit and if your GPA slips below 3.0 you're in serious trouble. You don't mention how low your GPA is, but did you lose any scholarship or grants? If you feel that some unusual circumstance made you get this C, then retake it. If you have only 1 C on your transcript and you took the class again and got an A, then your excuse will be looked upon favorably. And what is a "low" GPA? that's all relative. I have a 3.78 in grad school and that still isn't good enough for some people. I know several people that have a 3.9-4.0 and would probably commit suicide if they had a 3.78, but I'm ok with it. I say, just retake the class and relax. It was a one-time thing, so if people can't understand that, then screw them. Just apply for a several good internships and one will show you some mercy. Good luck
Reply:It may prevent you getting an internship since you will be competing with other students who will be sure to say how good their GPA is. That may be the little bit extra that gets them the internship.

However, in the real world, I have never included my GPA on a resume, nor was I ever asked in an interview. And now as a manager, I always hate when people put their GPA on their resume because it makes them look inexperienced and like they're padding their record to cover up for a lack of skills.

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