Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why do PPL in the U.S. think Mexicans steal all the jobs?

why do Americans think Mexicans are "stealing" all the jobs?AND TELL ME WHY YOU THINK THAT....I really don't think they are stealing the jobs, b/c there are many jobs,and if americans really wanted 2 work they would LOOK for jobs

Do you think illegel immagrients should leave?i don't b/c AMERICA is a "FREE" country, and everyone should be treated the same

Why do PPL in the U.S. think Mexicans steal all the jobs?
I Agree!

Mexicans don't steel jobs, they take the jobs that no one seem to want. You don't see white people picking fields, Selling flowers or strawberries, oranges, etc. on the side of the road.

If the whites claim that the jobs are getting stolen, pff, there are plenty of openings where these Mexicans are working.

Have those people, claiming that we are stealing their job, work out in the hot summer sun. Have them build homes and pick your food on the fields at 100+F on a summer day.

So you see these Whites wouldn't want these jobs.

Whites DON'T want those jobs, so why is it they say we are stealing them?

If you claim that they are stealing the jobs, go on apply to where they are working and be the majority there.

And i don't care if a white man calls me a ****, or a wet back, it tells me they are ignorant to this economy. This economy is based on these people working the unwanted jobs of the Americans.

Oh yeah, Weren't these whites at one point in history immigrants too?

Reply:seeing that Mexico is a sovereign nation

it's Not United States job to create jobs for Mexicans to walk over the border anytime without permission from the gov't
Reply:not everyone thinks this. particularly conservatives who are grounded in economics.

legal immigrants are welcome as far as I'm concerned.
Reply:they say that because they think we steal there jobs and pretty much the only jobs they give us in working in the fields and and i know the "real americans" wounlt want to work there ture if they really want to work they should get there lazy *** up and get a job we should stay b/c then there wounlt be no diferent ethicities here and the truth it would be boring we should be treated the same and my parents only came her to give me a better life
Reply:While they do work for less( supposedly taking Americans jobs) the real issue is the people that are paying less to workers in order to turn a profit off of them. If i was from Mexico and was very poor like most are, i too would do whatever it took to support my family and if others honestly answered that question, their would be less problems. and racial slurs.(what is this pre 60's).
Reply:Because they are. Not all the jobs, but the illegals are not entitled to have any of them.
Reply:Big increases in immigration since 1990 have not hurt employment prospects for American workers, according to a study released yesterday.
Reply:It isn't free for you to come and take, it is 'free' in the sense that we are free to speak our minds and free to choose our own religion.

They take the good paying jobs and drive down wages because of too many people chasing the jobs. the Boss doesn't have to pay as much. Illegals have driven down meatpacking job wages, agricultural job wages and construction wages just to name a few. They don't belong here.

My biggest problem is what illegal immigration does to the schools. THEIR children's better life is at OUR children's expense. However, it absolutely impacts the wage structure as well.
Reply:I think that SOME (NOTE I SAID SOME, NOT ALL) americans forget that they came from other places as well and now they don't want to share any of the blessings becuase they are afriad to loose what they supposedly established..but then again they can come and take what didn't belong to them in the first place...but anyway it's probably for financial reasons and stuff...people get upset becuase tax payers sometimes don't get government aid but an immigrant might get free healthcare and financial assistance before one of thier own, but as long as you are doing the right thing, its ok to me.
Reply:Because it's true. illegal inmigrants, mexicans or not, are destroying USA.
Reply:I don't like outlaws. Outlaws belong in jail, or in the case of aliens who are here without authorization, belong back home. I don't care if they are Irish (1/2 of my ethnicity) or Chinese. Illegal means against the law. My other ethnic half (Cherokee and Creek Nations) is native to my region of the North American continent (Georgia), whereas the Aztec and Mayan invaders need to go home, if they can't come legally.
Reply:because they are taking jobs that Americans CAN NOT work, and not jobs that they don't want to. CAN NOT implies that they are being paid less than minimum wage, and if there were no illegal immigrants, then the owners would have to hire Americans instead or move out
Reply:ILLEGALS do steal jobs from Americans!!!

Illegals do NOT just work in the fields!! They are in EVERY type of work now!! This includes construction work, plant work etc. which USED TO BE done by legal American citizens, both black and white!!!

Because the ILLEGALS will work for LESS money than Americans, this drives down wages for EVERYONE ELSE!!

And, YES illegals need to be DEPORTED, with NO chance of ever coming back to this country!!

And, as for America being a "free country", well that FREEDOM is for LEGAL American citizens!!!


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